New Code NLP School




1. 適切なモデル(エリクソン)の識別

2. 私たちが何をしているのかを意識的に理解しようとする試みを積極的に避け、長期にわたる正確な模倣の実践を通してエリクソンが使っていたパターン化と無意識的に同化すること

3. フィードバックを通して進行中の結果を厳密に評価すること

4. 基準−すなわち、行動的にエリクソンの典型と同じ時間枠内で同じ質の同様の一連の反応をクライアントから引き出す能力−に達している場合に、行動を以下の2つに分類すること:


5. それらの差異を関係者に効率的かつ効果的に伝達するための記述にそれらをマッピングし、上記の4で説明した基準と同じ基準を使用して、差異をコード化すること

6. 伝達が効率的かつ効果的であると許容されるまで、付随する修正を伴って実際に伝達することにより、モデルをテストすること











反盲信プログラム(anti-superstition program)の詳細は、記述できるくらい単純です。グリンダーとバンドラーは、得られる限りに問題の表現とスタイルが近い二人のクライアントを連れてきました。次に、彼らの訓練された実践の一部分として彼らがマスターしたエリクソンのワークの典型的な全ての行動を使って、一人のクライアントにワークをしました。彼らは注意深くそのクライアントの反応をカリブレートしました。次に、彼らは二人目のクライアントに、最初のケースと同じ一連のパターンを行いましたが、意図的に最初のケースに含まれていたいくつかの単一の行動を除外しました。彼らは、二人のクライアントで得られた結果を比べながら、その結果を評価しました。鍵となる質問は以下の通りです。








  1. 知覚の形式的又は統語的フレーム−治療的接触に典型的な強い感情的コンテンツに直面したとき、専門家またはそれ以外の大多数の人々が、体験をその要素に分解する知覚的フィルターを適用するという反応をしていないという印象があります。より典型的には、彼らはそのコンテンツに感情的に反応しています。したがって、この形式的、統語的フィルターは、モデリングに不可欠な要素です。


  2. 結果をもたらす能力に基づく重大な責任と結果を伴って、貴方自身の行動を非常に熱っぽい感情的文脈に分割することができる自分自身の行動の運用能力。特に、貴方は、どの行動を適用し、どの行動をここに述べられている反盲信プログラムの一部として除外するかを決める能力を維持しています。



A Punctuation of the Modeling of Ericksorn

1. the identification of an appropriate model (Erickson)

2. the assimilation unconsciously of the patterning used by the Erickson through rigorous imitative practice over an extended period oftime positively eschewing any attempt to understand consciously what we weredoing.

3. the evaluation of ongoing results strictly through feedback

4. upon reaching criterion - the ability to behaviorally elicit the same set ofresponses from our patients which were typical of Erickson in the same time frame and with the same quality - the sorting of the behaviors mastered into twosets:

 A - the set of differences essential for eliciting the same responses
 B - the set of differences that was accidental or idiosyncratic to Erickson's style

5. the codification of the differences, mapping them onto a description which allowed an efficient and effective transfer of these differences tointerested parties, using the same criterion as that mentioned in step 4 above.

6. the testing of the model through actual transfer with the attendantmodification until the transfer was acceptably efficient and effective.

The point we are pursuing here is that contained in step four. Steps two and threeof the modeling project ensure that the modelers have assimilated the essentialpatterns of the model with a minimum of conscious filtering (suspension of f2 filters). Step four guarantees that the modelers are performing with approximately the same effectiveness as the original model or source of thepatterning. Unfortunately, the modelers through the use of unconscious imitation have typically also assimilated portions of the model's behavior thatare irrelevant to achieving the powerful results typical of the work of the model. The modelers may be said to be in a state of unconscious competency - that is, they are effectively reproducing the behavior of the model but they arestill imitating and have no conscious understanding (no explicit model) of whatthey are doing. They can be usefully said to have tacit knowledge of the patterning that originated with the source of the patterning.

Step four isfocused on the sorting of essential from accidental differences and is a non-trivial task. In particular, it requires a dance between the actual behavior and the way it functions in the larger set of differences being coded with special attention to the intention behind the various behaviors. An example will servewell here.

Erickson was partially paralyzed at the point in hislife when Bandler and Grinder met him. This condition had given rise to certain behaviors that were clearly adaptations to his physical condition. For example, he had the habit of placing a small pillow on a retractable shelf which waspulled out his desk (the one normally used for a typewriter) and holding his right hand in his cupped left hand, he would lean forward restinghis left elbow on the pillow to support the weight of both arms.

Further, except for very special occasions, he wore no prosthetics for his missing upperteeth and thus was largely toothless (although only in the trictly dentalsense). This last condition resulted in a certain style of articulation whenspeaking.

Consistent with the disciplined non-cognitive assimilation phases (steps two and three in the above outline of modeling), both Grinder and Bandler spent months doing hypnotic patterning in an imitative mode includingthe reproduction of Erickson's characteristic posture (right hand resting intheir cupped left hand) and his style of articulation in voice (the result ofhis missing upper teeth). After some ten or so months of diligent practice bothmen were in agreement that they had achieved a mastery sufficient to consistentlyelicit the same class of responses with the same speed and quality - thusmeeting the criteria for initiating step 4.

The specifics of theanti-superstition program are simple enough to describe. Grinder and Bandler would take two clients as close in problem presentation and style as wereavailable. They would then do a piece of work with one of the clients using allthe behaviors typical of Erickson's work which by now had been mastered by eachof them as part of their disciplined practice. They would carefully calibratethe responses of that client. They would then take the second client and runthe same set of patterns as in the first case with the exception that theywould deliberately leave out some single Ericksonian behavior that they had included in the first case. They would then evaluate the results, comparingthe results they obtained with the two clients. The key question was,

 Did leaving out the particular behavior that distinguishes the treatment offered tothe two clients make a difference in the results?

If the answer is yes, thebehavior involved will be maintained as a conditionally essential part of themodel. If no differences emerge, the behavior is apparently an accidental or idiosyncratic behavior that can be afely discarded without reducing the effectiveness of the model - so far o good, simple enough.

Note all this sorting behavior presupposes severalcompetencies not obvious in the behavior of the general population. Among these, we can identify:

 1. a formal or syntactic frame of perception - it is ourimpression that the vast majority of people, professional or otherwise, whenfaced with the strong emotional content typical of therapeutic encounters donot respond by applying a perceptual filter which decomposes the experience intoits elements. More typically they respond emotionally to the content. Thisformal, syntactic filter, then, is an essential element for modeling.

 2. acommand of behavior within oneself that allows you to segment your own behaviorin a highly charged emotional context with grave responsibilities and consequences resting on your ability to deliver results. More specifically, youmaintain the ability to decide which pieces of behavior to apply and which toleave out as part of the anti-superstition program being here described.

Continuing with this specific example, both of the men were certain that giventheir filter for decomposing Erickson's behavior into its component parts, they could safely discard both the posture (right hand held in the cupped left hand) as well as the characteristic voice quality which resulted from Erickson's lack of upper teeth. Each of them tested these intuitions with direct experience - that is, each of them ran double sessions with "matched" clients, in one case using the posture and in the second in the consequences obtained - so far, so good. 

('Whispering in the Wind' p.179-182)

Whispering In The Wind
John Grinder 
Carmen Bostic St. Clair
J & C Enterprises
















Methodological Commentary  

The model that captures some of the patterning of Erickson − the so-called Milton Model − was arrived at through a subtractive process. This process is so essential to the modeling of any complex system that it deservesat east an initial description.

We had assimilated Erickson uncritically duringthe unconscious uptake phase of modeling and demonstrated to ourselves, oneanother and our unwitting clients through imitation that we had masteredcertain portions his hypnotic patterning. The process of decoding ourselves took the form of challenging the superstitions we had temporarily accepted by suspending both belief and the requirement to understand consciously what we were doing in favor of experience driven by feedback. We had committed ourselves to a disciplined daily practice of reproducing Erickson's behavior with high fidelity. Our mark was to develop a reliable consistent ability toelicit the same category of responses from our own clients that we had witnessed Erickson achieving with his clients in roughly the same time frameand with roughly the same quality. This criterion would ensure that we hadcaptured behaviorally (in our own neurology) representations that were functionally equivalent to Erickson's own behavior. The challenge that now confronted us was to sort out which behaviors (and the corresponding underlying circuits) were essential to the enterprise of inducing and utilizing the altered states of consciousness for which Erickson was so well known; and which behaviors were simply stylistic or purely idiosyncratic.

What is at stake here is the ability of determining the difference between a pattern and thenoise in which the pattern is embedded. This issue contains an important methodological point.

In the standard design of medical, pharmacological or psychological experimentations, for example, the experimenter wishes to explorethe possibility that the some treatment regimen or chemical substance has acertain effect on some identified population. The experimenter will assemble anappropriate representative group drawn from the population that is of interest. Either through random assignment of members of this population or through anassignment designed to balance the two groups with respect to the variables the experimenter suspects are of importance she creates an experimental group and acontrol group. She then administers the treatment or chemical substance to the experimental group and expressly not to the control group. The control group inthe case of a pharmacological study will receive a placebo (an alleged inertsubstance) or in a psychological study an amount of contact time with aprofessional equivalent to the contact time the experimental group is beingoffered. At the termination of the study, the researcher will use some measurement system to determine whether statistically the two groups differgreater than can be anticipated through random variations. If such a differenceis discovered, the treatment or drug is declared effective for a specified percentage of the population.

Let us refer to this standard experimental designas additive. The experimenter is testing whether the addition of some condition (treatment regimen, drug...) produces a difference in what is accepted asotherwise equivalent population (the experimental and the control groups).

The methodology Bandler and Grinder applied in the coding of the set of renceswhich distinguished Erickson's superb performance from average practitioners of medical and psychiatric hypnosis can usefully be described as turning thisstandard design on its head - it is a subtractive strategy. The sequence ofevents that describe the modeling of Erickson (and the other studies of geniusthat created the field of NLP), was:

('Whispering in the Wind' p.178-179)

Whispering In The Wind
John Grinder
Carmen Bostic St. Clair
J & C Enterprises






















































One week after this remarkable meeting, Gregory again called us to his home and urged us to put our modeling skills inservice of a dream he had carried for decades. In the '30's, married to Margaret Mead, and during the preparation for doing joint anthropological field work in Bali, the two of them had recognized the need to educate themselves onthe fundamentals of altered states of consciousness. It had already been well documented that the Balinese officially enter trance states as a normal socially expected and accepted way of achieving the performance states involvedin certain artistic activities such as dance. After making extensive enquiries, they learned of a renegade physician psychiatrist who had the reputation forbeing the most skillful of the practitioners of medical hypnosis, Dr. Milton H.Erickson. Their time spent with Dr. Milton Erickson had convinced Gregory ofthe man's genius in unconscious communication. Many years ater when Gregory was heading up the MRI investigations, he dispatched a umber of members of hisresearch group including Jay Haley and John Weakland to Phoenix where Dr. Erickson lived and practiced his arcane arts. As Gregory sald wryly during this conversation with a bemused look,

 They all returned entranced by theirexperiences of the old man!

By this time, Richard and I had some familiarity with Erickson's through reading some of his published work and had already determined that we would seek access to this remarkable man. Richard immediately responded that he was prepared to leave now for Phoenix. Imagine my surprise to hear my voice uttering the words,

Thanks, Gregory, but I'm notready to do the modeling of Erickson yet.

We assured Gregory that we would do the model but not yet. Richard did not understand my hesitation − how could he, when I, myself, couldnot articulate it. I knew enough not to go... yet.

More than three months passed before I succeeded in sorting myself out and achieved a state of congruity about going to Phoenix. Richard was delighted − we called Gregory who likewise expressed genuine pleasure at e news. He confidently told us to go ahead andget on a plane − he would meanwhile call Dr. Erickson and make the arrangements. He instructed us to call as soon as we got to Phoenix. We arrived the followingday in Phoenix, checked into a suite at one of the chain hotels there andcalled Gregory. To our dismay, he explained that he had spoken to Erickson and that while he was quite interested in meeting us, he had just finished the annual meeting of the Society for Clinical Hypnosis − a taxing event for himand that he was sequestered with his three closest students for the next few days. 

We finished the phone call, looked at one another and went to work. We took a copy of the bible (Advanced Techniques of Hypnosis and Therapy, a richcompendium of articles written by Dr. Erickson with Jay Haley acting as editor) and located a number of trance inductions inside various articles. We readthese inductions to one another for the next hour or so until we agreed on howto extract from the patterning what we believed we would need for our purposes. We spent several hours analyzing these inductions, sorting through its various patterns until we thought we had a template. The distinctions in the meta modeland the fact that Erickson's work is so well done made it quite easy to sortthe content from the form. In all the content spaces we removed material Erickson had used to elicit the res ponses appropriate for the client involvedand inserted variants of the two messages we wished to present to Dr. Erickson:

 Make time now!
 See us now!

And sometimes daringly enough even

 Make time to seeus now!

We wrote out portions of the transformed version of Erickson's own inductions with the new messages embedded. We then flipped a coin. I won − I was the one who got to do the induction on the phone with Dr Erickson. I insisted that Richard listen on the phone that was in the bathroom, out of my line ofsight with a washcloth stuffed in his mouth. Doing this task would require allthe focus I had − I neither needed nor wanted any distractions from Bandler − not in the form oflaughter or even giggles.

I placed the call to the number that Bateson hadgiven us − Richard picked up the other phone in the bathroom. After convincing Betty Erickson, Milton's wife, and a very good hypnotist in her own right, that her husband really did want to talk to me, I heard a deep riveting voicespoke into my ear,

 Yeeees, this is Dr. Erickson.

I could clearly hear hisbreathing and I said,

 Dr. Erickson, this is John Grinder − Gregory Bateson sent me.

and without pausing, I began the induction. For two and a half minutes (wehad timed it before the call), I moved through the induction containing the messages we had inserted, using to the best of my then quite limited knowledgethe master's own patterns. I was greatly encouraged by the slowing of his breathing and his continued acceptance by his silence of the induction I was presenting. I finished the induction by slowing my voice and simply finallystopping. A good 30 to 45 seconds followed (an eternity for me), then there wasa quickening in his breathing and he simply said,

 "You boys come over hereimmediately!" 

The succeeding 10 months were filled with strange and wonderful experiences - we would spend 3 to 4 days with Erickson in Phoenix watching, listening and modeling him with micro muscle movement as he worked with his patients. Then we would rush back to California to torture anyone whocame within hearing distance with the patterning we were obsessively attemptingto master.

Hours daily were devoted to disciplined practice, both in official contexts and in any context that presented itself − the waiter fixing the Caesar salad at our table suddenly found his feet were glued to the floor and wasunable to walk away.

Then there was the woman who had the good fortune to occupy the center seat between the two of us on a flight to Phoenix. She began thetrip sneezing and coughing and finished without a symptom and all we did wasalk to one another past her quietly about the dry desert air and its healing qualities.

We arranged re-induction signals with our clients once we had convinced ourselves that we had mastered the induction phase of the hypnotic encounter to save time since we wanted now to focus on utilization of altered states. Everything was hypnosis, nothing was hypnosis, the roof creaked, the floor trembled!

We were quite disciplined in refusing to attempt any overt analysis - it had been clear to us even before meeting Erickson directly that some of the syntactic variables that informed the meta model were involved in some interesting way with the linguistic patterning ofthis genius. However, we rejected any explication until we were satisfied withour behavioral competency in eliciting the same responses from our own clients that Erickson had both unselfishly demonstrated to us in Phoenix and had socarefully detailed in his articles. We set out to reproduce every hypnoticeffect in the bible (Advanced Techniques of Hypnosis and Therapy) as well asthose we had observed first hand − we were flaming zealots.

As before, Richardwas ready before I-three times he proposed that we write it - the first volumeof what came to be known as Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H.Erickson, M. D.  - and three times my response was, Not yet, bro'

Once I had achieved the internal congruency, the actual writing of the first draft of theb ook (volume I of Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson,M.D.) by Bandler and myself was accomplished in a single marathon of some 36hours - the subsequent clean up and polishing less than 8 hours.

('Whispering in the Wind' p.175-178)


Whispering In The Wind
Carmen Bostic St. Clair
John Grinder 
Published by J & C Enterprises





1975年にバンドラー、グリンダー、ベイトソンは全員、個々の住居をカリフォルニア州ベンローモンドのアルバロード1000番地に持っていました。その年の後半に「魔術の構造 第1巻」として出版されたものの原稿版は、バンドラー、グリンダー、プセリックの3人の男性の周りに集まって彼らの研究を手助けしようとしていた興奮した人々のグループの間で回覧されていました。ベイトソンは数週間前にこの原稿のコピーを提供されていました。グリンダーとバンドラーは、彼らが達成しようと試みていたことを彼に認めてほしいと望んでいました。彼らの希望は、電話でベイトソンのところにやってくるよう招待され、知的な饗宴−何時間も続いたベイトソンとの並外れた刺激的な議論−をご馳走になった時に満たされました。



グレゴリーは独り言を言いました。その大部分はMRI(訳注:Mental Research Institute)で彼と彼の同僚が行った研究の思い出話であり、それから(彼が後に魔術の構造の序文で明確に述べたように)私たちが実際に発見しこの本の中でコード化したことをどのように彼と彼の仲間が見逃していたか−「どのように議論が言語学から上手く引き下げられたか、彼が病理学と文化的パターンから始めたことを試みることがどれほど混乱していることだったか」−についての妙に準謝罪的な解釈でした。彼は快く本の紹介文を書くことを申し出、そしてもはや関連性のない古くて反復的な夢から目覚めたかのように、好奇心と知性で輝く知的で容赦のない深い眼で私たちをそれぞれ順番にじっと見つめながら言いました。














私たちは二匹の犬のように、主人が行きたいと思われるところに案内しようとし、時々先を走り、時々彼をじりじりと追い上げ(nipping his heels)、常に彼の手がかりに注意を払い、常に彼の意図に忠実でした。










彼は、私たちが他の誰にこれらの投稿した「魔術の構造 第1巻」のパターンを提示したのか尋ねました。私たちは、「貴方以外には誰も」と答えました。彼は、どのような前向きなステップを講じるべきか確信がないと述べましたが、以下を指摘することによって彼のアドバイスを終えました。



NLP's Third Model: The Milton Model

1975, Bandler, Grinder and Bateson all had their individual residences at 1000 Alba Road, Ben Lomand,California. The manuseript version of what would be published later that year as The Structure of Magic, volume I had been circulating among an excited group of people who had collected around the three men, Bandler, Grinder and Pucelik and who were assisting them with their research. Bateson had been provided with a copy of this manuscript some weeks earlier − Grinder and Bandler hoped that he would recognize what they had attempted to accomplish. Their hopes were more than met when they were invited by phone to come over to Bateson's place where they were treated to an intellectual feast − a remarkable and stimulating discussion with Bateson that lasted hours.

Gregory had a long wooden table in his dining room − one worthy of a mythical Norseman, rough-hewn of dark wood and sturdy. Gregory pointedly positioned himself at one end of this monstrosity as if conducting court and indicated to the two younger men to seat themselves immediately at his right (Grinder) and left (Bandler). The conversation that ensued was enchanting. It is noteworthy (and it seemed so even at the time to Grinder and Bandler) that Bateson's command of the patterning worked up in themanuscript was so complete that little time was spent on actually discussing it.

Gregory offered a soliloquy, in large part reminiscences of the research he and his colleagues at MRI had conducted and then a strangely semi-apologetic rendering of (as he later clearly stated in his Introduction to The Structureof Magic) how he and his associates could have missed what we had, in fact, discovered and coded in the book − "how well the argument flowed from the linguistics, how confusing it had been to attempt what he had done starting with pathology and cultural patterns." He graciously offered to write an Introduction to the book and then, as if rousing himself from an old and repetitive dream no longer of relevance, he fixed each of us in turn with his deep intellectually unforgiving eyes glinting with curiosity and intelligence and said,

 OK, boys, what you have done is very good, but I am certain that what's in The Structure of Magic happened some time ago − my question is whathave you found since coding the meta model.

We were enchanted − here was a man, easily recognizable as an intellectual glant, who understood well enough what we were about, to leap to the new ets of patterning that were obsessing us atthe time.


 Well done and...

Richard and I listened to his question in awe, looked at one another with perfect agreement, paused like cliff divers tomark the importance of that point of punctuation in experience before committing and then released a great wave of descriptions that flowed from uswithout effort.

Buoyant now, Gregory orchestrated us beautifully − he would sitlistening intently to the two of us as we rushed forward into the patterning as if pursued. Sometimes one of us spoke, sometimes the other, sometimes both of us simultaneously as if attempting to fill his vast intelligence with our observations. He sat there between us, his eyes fixed at that special pointabove the horizon, processing thoroughly the reports of months of our work.

From time to time, he would freeze the cascade, breaking the spell, leaning back in his chair, dropping his gaze to point on the great table forward and tohis left, shaping the question that would guide these two madmen into shallower water - the question that would complete the pattern that connects in his rich internal kingdom, assembled over 7 decades of participation with intelligencein the world about him, the answer he wanted to continue his incomprehensible process.

We were like two dogs, attempting to guide their master to where they believed he wanted to go, sometimes dashing on ahead, sometimes nipping at hisheels, always attentive to his cues, always loyal to his intention.

The three of us arrived together then finally at the end of our long climb, exhausted and exhilarated. We sat back now, more thoughtful, no longer driven into the new,and presently curious about the now.

There was a new tone in his rich voice − one suggesting deeper emotions than thus far expressed. The sharp edge of his intelligence that had flashed brilliantly throughout the long climb was sheathed. No doubt, among the dozens of case studies, the life stories, each with its own compelling set of metaphors, something had stirred deep within him for the first time in a long time. He quietly recounted certain events from his youth, the loss of his dear brother John and of choices in Switzerland not pursued - all as if musing to himself, comfortable in our attentive, but passive presence. He worked it out finally then to his own requirements; and turned his attentiononce again to us.

His counsel now rolled softly from him to us, areciprocal wave, but more refined and precise. He spoke of many things in thisway − I will mention but two:

He asked how long we had been working together, collaborating. We responded, "Three years about" − He urged us tosavor every moment as such productive and revolutionary collaborations were rare occurrences and often short lived. Richard and I caught each other's eye,confirming with a twinkle the confidence that only comes with certain knowledge of immortality and an irrevocably granted exception from the patterns other members of the species labored under.

He asked who else we had presentedthese post Magic I patterns to − we replied, "To no one other thanyou." He indicated he was unsure of what positive steps to take but hefinished his advice by pointing out that

 ....they burned Joan of Arc for lessthan you have presented me here this afternoon.

('Whispering in the Wind' p.173-175)


Whispering In The Wind
John Grinder 
Carmen Bostic St. Clair
Published by J &C Enterprises





2014/06/01 ミルトンモデルの誕生(目次)

2014/06/02 ミルトンモデルが誕生した経緯(1)
2014/06/03 ミルトンモデルが誕生した経緯(2)
2014/06/04 方法論的解説
2014/06/05 エリクソンのモデルの句読点



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