




The concepts and propositions get "meaning," viz., "content", only through their connection with sense experiences. The connection of the latter with the former is purely intuitive, not itself of a logical nature. The degree of certainty which this connection, viz intuitive combination, can be undertaken, and nothing else differentiates empty fantasy from scientific "truth".

Albert Einstein, Autobiographical Notes, p.13


In effect, Einstein is warning that until this "intuitive combination"this connecting of concepts and sense impressionsis explicated we cannot discriminate fantasy from fact in a deep senseour epistemologics are very shaky. Perhaps Bateson's finest contribution to this endeavor comes with his surprisingly simple notion of the transform. The human neurology receiving certain signals at the peripheral sense organ transforms that information from the physical world in a series of transforms, deleting and distorting it at each step until it reaches the central nervous system and is accepted as reality. Epistemology thereby becomes a well-defined taskto map the specific rules of transformation that information is subjected to in its long journey from the world to consciousness. And this was his hopethis is what he warns us we ought to be about. Bateson's transformsfully explicated sometime in the futurewill be the link which heals the western mind/body split. The technology called Neuro Linguistic Programming has begun an explication of this "intuitive combination" of Einsteinthese transforms of Batesonthe process tools of the 4-tuple, representational systems, synesthesia patterns, Meta-models of language,・・・are cornerstones in the exploration of this mapping between sense impressions and concepts. And until this work is developed, the decisions which we inevitably must make to resolve differences will drift toward violence. This document makes a first step in this endeavor. 

('TURTLES ALL THE WAY DOWN: Prerequisites to Personal Genius' PREFACE p.16-17)

John Grinder

ニューコードNLPの原点 個人的な天才になるための必要条件

Turtles All the Way Down: Prerequisites to Personal Genius
John Grinder
Judith Delozier
Grinder Delozier & Associates

