










  1. 変化すべき行動を明確にする
  2. 信頼できる不随意のシグナル体系を無意識と確立する
  3. 変化すべき行動の背後に肯定的な意図があることを確認する
  4. 元の行動と同様にまたはそれ以上に肯定的意図を満たすことのできる
  5. 実行のための責任を無意識に受け入れてもらう
  6. エコロジーチェック

私は、このパターンの前に立って、私の無意識の直接的産物であるその単純さに驚きました。このパターンは、ゆくゆくはニューコードとクラシックコードのパターンを区別することになると思われる相違を正確に含んだものでした。このエレガントなパターンは、バンドラーと私による長年のワークの産物で、また、ベイトソンとエリクソンの影響の輝かしい統合を表していたということには、今もそのときも疑いがありません。 何というギフトであったことでしょう!





I awoke in themorning feeling superb after thirteen hours of sleep and a good sweat out. Duringbreakfast, I thought through the task before me for the day – namely, explicating the patterns I had used as part of the previous day's work with the chronics. It was at that moment that I realized that I had absolutely noconscious access to what I had done.

I resolved therefore to arrive at the training facility early and to conduct an informal elicitation session with the participants, using questions such as,

 Which of the demonstrations did you find most interesting?

 And what struck you about that particular demonstration?

 Which specific interactions between myself and the patient did you experience as most intriguing?

 You found them intriguing, how specifically?


While seeking these classes of information from the early arriving participants with casual desperation in the back of the trainingroom, I noted my eyes wandering repeatedly to the front of the room and more specifically to the blackboard located there. Finally recognizing the familiartug of my unconscious, I excused myself and walked the front of the trainingroom only to find myself standing in front of the blackboard on which thefollowing was written in my own hand: 



   1. identify the behavior(s) to be changed

   2. establish areliable involuntary signal system with the unconscious

3. confirmthat there is a positive intention(s) behind the behavior(s) to be changed

4.generate a set of alternatives as good or better than the original behavior(s) in satisfying the positive intention(s)

5. get the unconscious to accept responsibility for implementation

6.ecological check 


I stood before this pattern stunned by its simplicity − a direct production of my unconscious − a pattern that contains precisely the differences that would come eventually to distinguish patterns of the new codefrom patterns of the classic code. There is no doubt, nor was there any at thetime, that this elegant pattern was the product of years of work by both Bandler and myself and represented a dazzling integration of the influences of Bateson and Erickson. Yet what a gift!

Further conversations with participants revealed that some of them had noted with great interest that at some point in the sessions with each of the schizophrenics I had treated the preceding day, had run someor all of the points listed in the pattern (in varying forms). This was apattern that none of them recognized from the previous four days training that I had conducted and one that had been effective in the extreme. At the close ofthe day, one of them had asked me to explicate the pattern I had been using. My response was the pattern that now appeared before me on the blackboard.

To this day, and with many experiences both personally and with thousands of clients over the years which repeatedly have demonstrated that the unconscious is capable of enormously complex and creative acts when the proper framing and context have been established and the lead is releasedto the unconscious, I remain awestruck by this experience – the presentation ofa complete pattern for individual change, powerful in its consequences, elegant in its form and universal in its application.

('Whispering in the Wind' p.210-211) 

John Grinder

Whispering In The Wind

Whispering In The Wind

John Grinder
Carmen Bostic St. Clair
J & C Enterprises

