
 卓越性の連鎖(The Chain of Excellence)

















 The Chain of Excellence





This ordering can be usefully read from the bottom up and is explicated in narrative form in the following three sentences: Performance in the world is a function of state; therefore, to optimize performance in the world, select a state that gives you access to the enormous resources already available at the unconscious level. The most effective and straightforward way to activate such a state is through a manipulation of your own physiology. One of the most efficacious means for manipulating your own physiology is through the modulation of your breathing pattern.

This chain, then, is hen, is anordering of ascending leverage points that can be utilized to optimize performance − aswell as a class of other activities as we shall develop below. Theset of leverage points that make up the ordering expressed by the chain is generated by successive answers to the question, 

 What leverage point allows me to shift this portion of my experience?

To us, this chain also represents acommentary on a numbe of important issues:

First, the chain proposes that the simplest leverage point available is the manipulation of breathing; as in turn a shift in breathing leads to a corresponding shift in physiology and subsequently in state and performance.

Secondly the proposition that underlies the chainis an explicit rejection of Descartes' original sin - the split between mind and body. In effect,the proposition says that there is no such valid distinction − that the words mind and body as referring to separate entities are fictions or worse. A way to think about this is to take, for example, any two cancer patients diagnosed withthe same form of cancer and in the same stage of development: one of whom dieswithin the statistically approved time period and the other who achieves astate of grace known technically as "spontaneous remission" and livesa full and complete life. Where will you draw the line between mind and body ineach of them? Where does their personal response to their diagnosis touch uponthe physical reality of cancer and what part does their attitude play inselecting their future? Indeed, these words (mind and body) are simply terms that refer to two facets of the same diamond − they are the results of the kind of filters we identified and discussed in the introductory epistemological remarks - the linguistically based filters - distortions introduced by the obsessive naming function of our species. And we argue that this distinction − the subiect about which library shelves are burdened with learned books − is not only not useful, it is positively devastating in many of its applications to human experience.

Thirdly, observe that world class athletes, actors, actresses, negotiators, musicians... indeed anyone whose success depends on consistent high quality performance under pressure, develop rituals. These rituals are designed by these high performing individuals to allow them to voluntarily enter into or maintain high performamce states. All of us intuitively attempt to accomplish this − getting pumped for a sales call, rehearsing for an important meeting, preparing "mentally" for an anticipated challenge... That favorite bracelet or tie or that special way of entering a room - all are personal dynamic anchors for re-accessing some favored state within us for  performing some particular task or responding to some challenge with excellence. Thus, we can readily observe in ourselves and in those around us the use of rituals as a spontaneous utilization of naturally occurring iconic anchors to re-access highly valued states of high performance.

But we already know a great deal about such processes in NLP applications. At various points in this book, we have commented that calibration is the most fundamental NLP skill without which it is is literally not possible to do high quality work in the field of NLP - regardless of whether we are referring to modeling, application or the teaching of the methodology.

Fourth: But what is the chain of excellence if not a simple explication of the mechanisms behind calibration? The chain of excellence proposes that our ability to perform with excellence has certainassociated states and each such state has associated with it a specific physiology. This connection between performance/behavior and underlying states with their own associated physiologies is, in fact, the fundamental observation about how we communicate non-verbally and identifies that which makes calibration possible.

 We "know" that our spouse or close friend is not in a mood to consider positively an offer to dine or go to the theatre by the tone of voice, orposture, or breathing pattern or more likely, by the Gestalt or overall physiological pattern he or she presents to us unconsciously and which wetypically detect and respond to unconsciously. If, in fact, we have calibrated accurately and are not presently hallucinating (projecting) our own emotions, such calibrations serve as the basis for successfully reading the people aroundus. The chain of excellence is simply the recognition and aggressive utilization of these commonplace observations: a careful drawing out of the implicationsof the fundamental process of calibration.

Fifth: the chain of excellence is astrategy that recognizes and tematically exploits the power and wisdom of unconscious processing. The clues had been around in NLP practice for nearly adecade at the time of the development of the new code. Since the modeling of Dr. Ericksonin the mid 70s, the systematic use of his poweful hypnotic patterning had deeply influenced and informed the practices of both of the co-creators of NLP. These patterns placed great emphasis on avoiding conscious barriers to change such as beliefs, not by the paradoxical activity of focusing on such limiting beliefs but by simply circumventing such obstacles and inducing change at the unconscious level.

Further, these patterns had in common a deep trust that unconscious processes when properly organized and constrained would produce deep, long term ecological changes in spite of, for example, a client's declared conscious beliefs that such changes were impossible. The limitations of consciousness, the 7±2 chunks of attention available in working memory, makes understandable the inability of the consciousness to successfully select desired states, appropriate resources or specific new behaviors with any degree of competency. This limitation applies, however, only to conscious processing and not to unconscious processing. Thus, as you would expect, given this difference, the ability of the unconscious to assess the longer-term consequences and then, based on this assessment to make such selections (desired state, resource or replacement behavior) greatly exceeds that of the conscious mind.
('Whispering in the wind' p.233-236)


Whispering In The Wind
John Grinder 
Carmen Bostic Sr. Clair
John and Carmen Enterprises

